Top 20 Best Sex Tips for Men 2020 Improve Your Sex Life

Want to improve your sex life? These simple tips and tricks can help you and your partner enjoy better sex.

Let's face it: No matter how good you think you are, every now and then, you can use a little creativity to improve your sex life and make your lover happy. Try simple sex tips, complete with your lover tonight.

1. Talk about gender. As time goes by in relationships, it is easier to get into a rut and just go in motion, rather than showing what you really want (and want) in bed. Sex coordinator Williams Lucena, FMD, says it's about time to break this cycle with a direct message. He asked one of them, 'What do I want in your bed?' "Back to the connection you used to have."

2. Eat well. This is not like a sexual experience, but treating your body with a healthy diet benefits the whole body, including your libido, says the stress manager and author of Addicted for Depression. "A healthy diet lowers cholesterol and improves your blood vessels," he adds. "This will ensure that the tour is the last of its kind for the 'southern hemisphere.'"

3. Do your homework. Want to give your wife a good sex life? "Help around the house," Mandel said. The best foreplay happens outside of the bedroom. By helping pay with work and work, you make paying valuable. ”

4. Exercise. Few things can make you more attractive to women who like to exercise every day, says Matthew N. Simmons, MD, PhD, of the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute in Cleveland. "Even as little as 15 minutes of daily exercise can improve self-esteem, self-esteem, and libido," he said. “Exercise improves the body's sexual environment. Furthermore, physical activity promotes cardiovascular health, which is necessary for normal erectile function. "

5. But don't overdo it. Excessive exercise can be detrimental to others, says Pete McCall, MS, a fitness expert with the U.S. Council on Physical Fitness. He states that "Being a state of being can be very daunting and daunting and can affect sleep patterns and mood changes," "This is not a good combination for wooing one's romantic partner."

6. In fact, work together. If exercise is good, then exercising with your partner is a better sexual activity, says Mandel. "Work together to ensure that libidos and endorphins are up," he said. “Because you both are sweaty, take it to the next level. Stretching is also a good idea. ”

7. Change your mind a little. Not having sex based on sex? Believe it or not, it is the surest way to improve sex and make your next meeting with your favorite person. Mandel says, "Don't hesitate to go for a few days, weekends, or even a week." "The absence of good will increase and give you lust after the forbidden fruit."

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8. Sex planning. It may not seem like love, but Dr. Simmons said it's a great way to improve your sex life and enjoy women. Developing the concept of sex, he says: “Scheduling or scheduling sex is very important, especially for active couples or children. Don't let sex time diminish due to fatigue or the inability to find the 'right time.' ”

9. Make use of technology. Want to keep it in mind to have sex later that night when you are stuck in the office? Use your cell phone or e-mail. "Send her a message all day long," Mandel advised.

10. Praise his body. Want the stupid way to drive his prey and ensure good sex? "Find something special, and tell him it's best in this room," Mandel said.

11. Focus on relaxation. Men tend to enjoy a better sex life, but women tend to be overwhelmed by more rest. "Wash her hair in the shower or massage her scalp to relax her," Debbie Mande

14. Let him lead. Most men take the lead in bed. Sometimes, the key to good sex is to let it dominate. "Don't be afraid to let your spouse do it," said a licensed attorney in Decatur, Ga., "Don't let your spouse begin to have sexual pleasure with a responsible act."

15. Don't overlook the lubricant. According to Bencivenga, there is no shame in using lubricants to satisfy women. "A lot of men think that since a woman gets wet, if we don't wet her clothes, we won't go in her," she said. That is not true. Sometimes, whether it is stress, some time of the month or fatigue, women can have a hard time physically harming them even if they are mentally ill. Lubricant in the closet is your new best friend. ”

16. Upgrades. If you've experienced a case of "old-fashioned, old-fashioned," working on adding a little something is the key to better sex, says Simmons. He explained to "mix products by planning and considering your sex differences," "Lingerie, toys, new work, and other promotions can be improved." romance and heart. "

17. Replace. Another way to add variety and improve sex life, suggests Mandel, is to try something new. "Doing it in different places faces different forces," he said. "Take it outdoors if you have too much with the stereo and need to get back your rhythm."

18. Stop loving again. Does he have a longing for just having sex? Dr. "Try the love," Morley suggests. "You're in love with that special person, but you have sex with someone else."

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19. Use a touch even without sex. Even when you are not having sex, you can still improve your sexual life by using the opposite sex, but not the sex. Morley says "touching her is important, but not always sexually meaningful," "It's important to make friends with your spouse by touching it with love." and love on a daily basis. Kiss all day, and don't be afraid to let it go. "

20. Practice self-care. Simmon says, "Take good care of your penis," Dr. “Penile injury is usually helpful when your partner is on top or when the penis is off the penis. If things are going hand in hand, ask your partner to go easy. If you suspect that the penis has caused a disability due to 'bleeding', see an urologist immediately. "

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